Pattern Giveaway!

Hello Friends –
It’s been a wonder-filled year. As a little thank you I’m giving away six copies of my patterns. You can see them on Ravelry HERE. Please comment on this post with your choice of pattern and your Ravelry name. I’ll choose winners at random when I return from my break on 14 January 2020. I’ll send the patterns as digital download gifts via Ravelry.
Happy knitting!
Lily xxx
Thanks so much for all the interest and your comments! The six patterns have been sent via Ravelry and the giveaway is now closed. 🙂

Rebecca Lynn
Ah! Your patterns are so gorgeous! I would love to knit up the Black Thorn My Ravelry username is CozyAutumnKnits. I hope
You’re enjoying your vacation!✨
Marissa Bonnett
Hi Lily, this is so wonderful of you to do! I’ve been oogling the Tweedside for quite some time. My Ravelry name is TheYarnDoctor. Thank you!
Hi! The Blackthorn sweater is fabulous! A very happy year to you!
Cheryll Weiner
Happy New Year.
I love ❤️ Ferox.
My ravelry name is Cherylll
Your yarn is a dream to knit.
Hi Lily I absolutely love your Ferox pattern Ravelry: MommaR6
Patricia J.
Your patterns are really beautiful ! I will knit the black thorn sweater ! I love it Thank toi for This giveaway. My name on Ravelry is Cannelle13.
Would love to knit a black thorn sweater ❤️
Ravelry name is katalin79
Adele Marais
Hallo Lily! I hope you had a nice break! I would love to try Tweedside sometime! My Ravelry name is AdeleYC
Ana Santos
Happy New Year!!! Thank you so much for tis opportunity, you are so talented. I have one skein from you that I’m keeping for a special project but at the same time I’m just happy to have it in skein form and look at it, it’s so beautiful and soft! Anyways my favorite pattern from you is Black Thorn sweater. Thank again for this opportunity and may the new year bring you much success, health and love. Ravelry name: Moonshoes, Instagram name: Moonshoes_knits.
Thank you!
Happy New Year! I’m in love with Tweedside. My rav name is lulufree.
Anna Merritt
I really love your Black Thorn Sweater, not only for the gorgeous color work but the shape is so dreamy and romantic! I think it would look so beautiful with jeans or a long skirt. My Ravelry name is acdmerritt ❤️
Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow! Well I think black thorn is so totally gorgeous so that’d be my choice. I’m bicvaker on ravelry.
Thanks and happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Thank you for the generous giveaway! My Ravelry name is asteride and Black Thorn has been in my wish list from the beginning!
Pamela Wilkinson
Black Thorn has haunted my yarn dreams for a few days now! Love the silhouette and soft hues/contrast. Hope you have a restful time off. Pwilki on Ravelry and Instagram
Wow. That very generous of you many thanks. My Rav name is pygmymum and I must say I’m in love with your Black Thorn jumper.
Julie Larrabee
Oh my goodness, these are beautiful! I have to choose Black Thorn…it is stunning!!! Thank you for this giveaway!!
Lauren Ackerman
Hi Lily
Happy New Year and I hope it is a year filled with amazing adventures.
My favourite pattern is Black Thorn Sweater.
My Ravelry name is LaurenAckerman
Caroline aka FiberTribe
what a sweet thing to do! I love them all but I choose Ferox because I’d have a hope in hell of finishing it in time to wear it this winter!
Caroline aka FiberTribe on Rav
Catherine Cornell
Hi I’m Catherine (kitkat04711) on Ravelry
I’m ready to cast on Blackthorn but I’m stalling because I just live Ferox
Linda (javalulu on ravelry)
Your patterns are so lovely! I would love to make the Black Thorn sweater!
Janette Buckley
I would love the Blackthorn pattern please. Buggirlj
Sandra Waugh
I think it is very generous of you to give away your beautiful patterns. I am truly in love with the Black Thorn! I hope that I am lucky enough to win one of your freebies. It is nice to see another artist succeeding in their dreams.
Ferox ❤️✨❤️
Nimaca is the account on ravelry and ✨ Happy New Year, Lily!
This is so nice I’m in love with the black thorn sweater my handle on Ravelry is StitchedGeodes.
Blackthorn sweater
Happy new year! What a wonderful giveaway! I’d love to win the pattern of the Black Thorn sweater
Best wishes,
saaknas on Ravelry
Vicki Jenkins
Hi Lily
tweed side as I live in the Tweed Valley.
The Black Thorn Sweater is just the coolest! I’m monkeybee on Rav. Thanks so much for running this giveaway!
Linette Krappkrogshave
Hi Lily.
Hope you have had a lovely vaccation! And Got to knit a lot, and perhaps make up a new pattern 😉
I would love to win your pattern for the Black thorn sweater, its so so very beautiful <3
My raverly name is Nulua.
All the Best!
Many kind regards Linette
Black thorn! I’m bohoknitter
I NEED your Black Thorn pattern. I have the yarn ready to go. I’ve been crushing on it for awhile now.
I forgot! My Ravelry name is Telola
I LOVE the Black Thorn Sweater!
My rav id is MeganKay
Tweedside has my heart <3
Feikje Kamp
Hello Lily,
I admire your yarns ánd pattern and already a proud owner of one of your patterns and yarns. – and also like Tweedside – What strikes me the most, are the colours you’re using.
Xxxxx Feikje
– feikje- on Ravelry
Hi Lily,
I think your yarns and patterns are very beautiful! And when I see your posts it reminds me of the time I was lucky enough to travel to South Africa when my son-in-law was directing a mini series in conjunction with the CBC.
I would be thrilled to win Tweedside…ravelry name, Deany.
Hope you’re having a lovely break.
Mary Huey
Love Ferox! I find your Instagram feed so interesting – often wish we weren’t a world apart!
Sunny Fojas
Thanks a lot for the great giveaway!!
I choose Ferox and my ravelry name would be sunnychan
Love the black thorn sweater
Ana Vene
Diablita9 (that’s me on Ravelry) would love Black Thorn Sweater 😉
Arianna Tonelli
I have been in love with your Black Thorn for ages!!!
My Ravelry name is GladLax, in Swedish it means Happy Salmon!
All the best
Natalie Bursztyn
Hello! I adore your yarns, and your blackthorn pattern. Beauty. I am blahblahgeology on Ravelry.
Thank you so much for this giveaway!
For me, the Black Thorn Sweater has something special… it makes me dreaming.
Happy and creative New Year to you.
Mila (Cardamila on Ravelry)
I love the Tweedside and have a brown/pink palette of yarn picked out for it already! My Ravelry handle is jmford 🙂
Freya Brehaut
What a generous giveaway! I love all your patterns but I would choose Black Thorn. Ravelry: Frey
MelanieFromMA (Ravelry name)
The black thorn sweater is stunning! I’d love to put that project on my todo list this year! Thanks for the giveaway.
Alex Fowler
StinkyStella and the Black Thorn would be my top choice! Beautifully unique!
Bronwyn Ford
Ravelry name is sheepishknitsbjf
Charlene Scott
Black Thorn for me! My ravelry name is gnarlyfarms 🙂
Debbie Woods
Hi from Washington state, lily! I am in love with you, your yarn, and your South African life
I love the Tweedside, although the others are beautiful also – babyEE (on Ravelry)
Your yarn & designs are all delicious and I’m so wanting to see your yarn “in the flesh”. Love your Tweedside .. kellyms on Rav
Your patterns are beautiful. I’m very Thankful for the patterns give a way!
Ann Nel
Where have you been hiding this black thorn pattern? It is beautiful!!
Nikki Trousset
I love Ferox pattern & the beautiful colors of your yarn.
I would like to know the yardages of your yarn.
Greetings Nikki
Lauren Johnson-Sunday
Pattern: Ferox
Ravelry name: sundayy
Barbara A. Hanson
Oh, Black Thorn is lovely. Thank you!
Barbara A. Hanson
norwoodknits (Ravelry name)
black thorn sweater is my favorite. Look forward to seeing your beautiful yarn in person at VNL New York genies003 Ravelry.
Roberta Pascuzzi
I love Blachthorn ❤
Taliana on Ravelry
Susan Huffman
How l9vely! I love Tweedside, and my ravelry name is Lazysusan.
Happy New Year!
Tweedside Ravelry: SthrnGirlQuilts
Liz Rosario
I would love to knit your Black Thorn sweater! Thank you for offering a giveaway. Have a great break!
Liz Rosario
My ravelry name is knitsbyrosario!
Happy new year!!
I absolutely love your black throne sweater
My ravelry name is Flashburnout
Meredith Mattson
I would love to knit the Ferox sweater! My ravelry name is meredithmarti.
Annelie Coetzee
I would love to win one of your patterns!
Ravelry: AnnelieUnraveled
Instagram: @AnnelieUnraveled
Thanks for hosting this!!
What a love gift for January 2020!
Just can’t choose between Black thorn & tweedside
Ravelry name kimberley177. Lovingly shared account with my also savvy knitting mother
Brigit Hampel
Beautiful pattern work on all of the sweaters but I think Black Thorn is my favourite.
I am enablerqueen on Ravelry.
Margit Viilmaa
Black Thorne sweater would be my choice. So feminine and effortlessly elegant❤️
My Ravelry user is margitma
I adore the blackthorn pattern
Thank you for your beautiful inspiration and gorgeous yarns – and for the kind giveaway
I’m crushing ocb the black thorn sweater. My Rav id is ELirae. Thanks for the chance to win this stunning design!
Em Black
Happy New Year!
Ravelry user: EmreyBlack
Pattern: Black Thorn Sweater
Thank you 🙂
-Em x
Hi Lilly, I love the Blackthorn pattern. Regards annarieo
What a generous and beautiful gift! All the patterns are so beautiful: but I just adore Tweedside!
My Ravelry-name is sparkle-anne.
The Black Thorn sweater .
Ravelry: AbbySA
Ine Delvaux
I love the Black Thorn sweater. It has been in my queue for a couple of months now. My ravelry name is inedelvaux.
Thank you Lily for the giveaway, I wish you a wonderful year 2020.
I’ll choose the black horn sweater, if I win
Have a lovely day
Marie Boisson
oups! my ravelry name is marieprune 😉
Maria Chiara
Hi! The choice is hard but I really love the “Black Thorn Sweater”!
My raverly name is “mericci”
have a good new year!
Hélène Audren
I would prefer tweedside. Thank you very much for this giveaway.
My ravelry name is heldren
Black Thorn
Joy Garofalo
I love all your patterns, but Black Thorn is on my to-knit list this year!
Ravelry ID: dabblejoy
Happy New Year ❄️❄️❄️
love your tarn and patterns ♥️♥️♥️
I would love to have Black Thorn Sweater pattern ,
Thank you,
Soulanna on Ravelry
Selva Akinci
I would love to knit a Black Thorn Sweater.
My Ravelry name is Selvaakinci
Thank you very much for the giveaway!
Would love to win the Ferox. My rav id is florlynn. Thanks for the giveaway
Melanie Pienaar
All of them are stunning but blackthorn is my favourite
Black thorn the first thank You kette5259
Your patterns are beautiful.
I love Black Thorn most and My Ravelry ID is MrsInfelice. I started following you on instagram about a month ago and I’m already in love wwith evertthing you do!
How kind of you! I think that Black Thorn Sweater pattern would love to come home with me! JuliaRochelle (on Ravelry)
That is so kind of you, thank you so much!
My favorite is Black Thorn
My Ravelry name is Sodayona (sincesheknits for Instagram ).
Wishing you an happy new year with your loving family and friends.
Hallo Lily, I am knitting the Black Thorn right now and just finished the yoke chart 1.
My pattern choice is Tweedside.
Greetings Mieke
Your patterns are lovely. Tweedside is the one I’d choose if I won. My Ravelry name is Bettysusanne.
Michelle Freudiger
It is hard to choose but Tweedside is my favourite. My Ravelry name is Mich10